
A massive row has erupted in the separatist ranks of Kashmir. Moderates- lead by Mirwaiz Omar Farooq, have Lashed out at Hardliner Syed Ali Shah Geelani and accused him of mislead the people of Kashmir. A visibly angry Mirwaiz questioned the authority of Syed Ali Shah Geelani to make statements, like he did in his recent press conference, wherein he has said that some separatists groups were in secret talks with Bhartiya Janata Party.

Audio Insert NAME: Mirwaiz Sound Byte
IN WORDS: Who The…
OUT WORDS: …Irresponsible Statements.
DURATION: 0′ 10″
Geelani in a press conference had claimed that he was approached by two emissaries of BJP’s Prime Ministerial Candidate Narendra Modi for facilitating talks on kashmir. Without Naming anyone, he even said that there was a group of separatists that had recently expressed hope of breakthrough on kashmir in the possible Modi Regime in future, was in touch with these emissaries.


I used crop tool to crop the belt at the left side of the picture. Then I used Auto &  manual Contrast to give more contrast. At last I used burn tool to give additional colour.

I used crop tool to crop the belt at the left side of the picture. Then I used Auto & manual Contrast to give more contrast. At last I used burn tool to give additional colour.


Assignment 12 (A)



I used crop tool to crop the picture before I used brush to clear dust marks from the picture. I followed with Auto Contrast and at the last I used burn tool to give the colour to tulips.

I used crop tool to crop the picture before I used brush to clear dust marks from the picture. I followed with Auto Contrast and at the last I used burn tool to give the colour to tulips.

Assignment 9


Presence on Social networking sites and a constructive engagement goes a long way helping a journalist to be better at creating a timely, better product and ensuring that it reaches maximum people. a careful perusal of how these networks work and have been used by journalists and media organisations, it can well be imagined that a membership on such networks an help you engage better with your audience/ reader by creating a platform for exchange of ideas and sharing criticism and appreciation.

Another important possibility it opens up is that of enhancing reach. the nestled networks of people ensures that you reach a never before expected number of people and even focus on any given target group to cater to.

Not to forget how the same can also be a great source of information to build your reports on and elements that come to you through User Generated Content and can help you enhance and augment your product.

Assignment 11


User Generated Content (UGC) has brought big time changes in contemporary journalism. The digital age has enhanced UGC which in turn has revolutionized journalism and information dissemination at large.
Following three examples underline the possibilities of journalistic usage of UGC

As Source of Information: In digital age and advent of social networks like Facebook & Twitter, information travels at a lightening fast speed. As a journalist, keeping a Tab on UGC on platforms like above and even other sources helps to gather information that would otherwise take time to reach a journalist. e,g we have seen people tweet or post on Facebook about incidents that they witness happen . This could be a building collapse, a road accident or a terror attack. So this UGC becomes the starting point for a journalist. not to forget that we have even seen some prominent people-in politics, business, sports etc- making important announcements on these platforms. Thus UCG as a source of information has become an essential journalistic requirement.

2: As elements that augment the story and people’s contribution: Whether it be a video shot by a bystander of a picture clicked, YouTube or Picas, UGC has more often become an amazing enhancing element of a journalist’s report. we have seen this happen big time in recent times and ore so in conflict ridden zones where access to media is otherwise restricted. The concept of citizen journalism has seen new dimensions and possibilities and UGC is at the core of new citizen journalism.

3: As feedback to scrutinize and improve the products & Dissemination: UGC like comments and commentary on reports serve as a great feedback to have criticism and seek to improvize on journalistic products. The UGC on platforms like twitter gives you more traffic and reach through the people who tweet or post on face book about journalistic pieces.


Making elaborate efforts to engage users and giving a platform to people who are not covered otherwise through citizen journalism would help would help promote user generated content at my medium.  Training people on basics of video and photography would go a long way to empower them and to ensure their content generated by them is usable. Campaigns to educated masses about how they can contribute and the editors/ management on why and how best to use UGC will also help promote.




Assignment 10


As a journalist, there is a lot that we want to say and report. But this is not always possible due to constrains of limited airtime (in case of Broadcast Journalists) and print space.

Thanks to But a Weblog comes a remedy. It provides space to share what we couldn’t otherwise through the regular media we report for. Long pieces with no issues of word-count, opinionated pieces that wouldn’t fit in otherwise, a photograph or a poem. A weblog can have it all.

Not only does a weblog provide space for such expressions but also create a platform where a journalists interacts with his reader/ audience. Answers their queries & explains himself where the requirement is.
As part of an assignment, I have listed three such journalistic blogs I like. The reasons I like them are varied, from looks to content to the author. Here they are.

  • is one of the finest weblogs. I like it because the author-Sankarshan Thakur- is one of the finest and learned contemporary editors in India.

Sankarshankthakur He comes with experience and his writing leaves you with an Awe. From posting pieces he writes for The Calcutta Telegraph to independent pieces, Literary commentaries to opinion , the weblog has it all. He even gives space to pieces -long and short- of fellow journalists written about his work. The Aesthetics of his blog are added attraction.

  • Ravish Kumar, is in many ways an exception in the herd of broadcast journalists in India. An editor at a leading Hindi News Channel, he is a fearless man who speaks hi mind out.Ravish BlogHis flair for writing is his USP and his simple language is a striking feature of his weblog. He is reporter on an Aam Aadmi (Common Man) and that is something that reflects in his simple and lucid language. And not to forget the topics he chooses to write about. He makes it a point to write about things he may not have been able to talk at length about on air (due to any reason). He even opens his heart on issues as personal as reasons behind his editorial choices and decisions.


  • Rahul has been my Teacher. He taught me some aspects of Broadcast journalism before he went to where he belonged-Story telling. He is a proud and acclaimed author of three books and associate editor wit one of the most respected dailies in India. I have always been fascinated by his stories. SanitySucksThe subject as well as the way he brought them to life through his amazing storytelling skills. An avid poetry enthusiast, he engages in conversations that you would never like to end. All that I like about him-and I have listed above-come alive in his blog. It is a chronicle of reportage, feelings, aesthetics, photographs and and his travels.